History of Our Corps – June 21

Good morning Leathernecks, and on this the 21st day of June in the history of our beloved Corps:

In 1900, in conjunction with 450 Russian troops, Waller’s force attempts to seize Tienstin, but they are driven back.

          Chinese government forces join the Boxers in laying siege to the Legation Quarter in Peking.

          Meyer’s Marine detachment defends the Tartar Wall overlooking the compound.

In 1916, Colonel Pendleton and the 4th Regiment arrive in Santo Domingo at Monte Cristi, then proceed overland toward Santiago.

In 1943, the 4th Raider Battalion (less two companies) and two Army infantry companies land at Segi Point, New Georgia, to stave off a Japanese advance against a coastwatcher.

          This marks the earlier-than-planned opening of the campaign to seize the island.

In 1944, the 3rd Defense Battalion departs Bougainville; it had been the last Marine ground unit in action there.

In 1945, organized resistance in IIIAC’s zone ends when the 1st Marine Division takes Hill 81 and the 6th Marine Division reaches the southernmost point of Okinawa.

          General Geiger announces that the island is secure that afternoon.

In 1959, BLT 3/2 joins with British Royal Marine Commandos for a week-long landing exercise in Gufo di Bomba, Libya.

In 1964, HMM-162 replaces HMM-364 as the Shufly force.

          The latter squadron turns over all its helicopters to a Vietnamese air force squadron.

In 1965, HMM-261 relieves HMM-163, which becomes the transport squadron for the Special Landing Force at sea.

Saepius Exertus, Semper Fidelis, Frater Infinitas!

Often Tested, Always Faithful, Brothers Forever!

-Richard W. Pettengill, Corporal USMC

And damn proud of it!