History of Our Corps – July 12

Good morning Leathernecks, and on this the 12th day of July in the history of our beloved Corps:

In 1798, the President commissions William Ward Burrows as a major and second Commandant of the Marine Corps.

In 1840, Marines and sailors of the Wilkes Expedition seize and burn a village in the Fiji Islands in retaliation for an attack on a small party making scientific observations.

In 1854, a landing party of Marines and sailors off the Cyane seizes weapons and gunpowder at San Juan del Norte following an attack on American consular officials in Nicaragua.

In 1924, Brigadier General Harry Lee ceases to be the military governor of Santo Domingo when the new constitutional government is inaugurated.

In 1943, the 4th Raider Battalion companies at Vangunu return to Guadalcanal.

In 1944, Major General H.M. Smith relinquishes command of VAC to Major General Harry Schmidt and becomes the first commander of FMFPAC.

          MAG-61 departs Espiritu Santo for Emirau, where it will remain for the rest of the war.

In 1950, the 1st Provisional Marine Brigade begins sailing from California to Korea.

          The last ships will depart on 14 July.

          On the battlefield, NKPA have occupied half of South Korea and U.S. and South Korean forces continue to retreat.

          MacArthur names Army Lieutenant General Walton H. Walker commander of the Eighth Army, which controls all U.S. ground forces in Korea.

In 1953, VMA-251 joins MAG-12 in Korea as the replacement for VMA-323.

In 1954, the 3rd Marine Division in Japan is placed on a 48-hour alert status for possible deployment to assist the French.

          The alert is cancelled five days later.

In 1958, More than 1,500 Marines from the 1st Marine Division and Camp Pendleton help Forest Service personnel in fighting fires in California’s Cleveland National Forest.

In 1967, during the period 12 through 14 July, the 3rd Battalion, 7th Marines (3/7) participated in OPERATION GEM, a blocking operation between Mai Loc and Ba Long in the Quang Tri Province.in the Quang Tri Province.

In 1969, During the 12th of July, the 1st Battalion, 4th Marines (1/4) and the 1st Brigade, 5th Infantry Division participated in OPERATION WILLIAMS GLADE, a clear and search operation between Mai Loc and Ba Long in the Quang Tri Province.

Saepius Exertus, Semper Fidelis, Frater Infinitas!

Often Tested, Always Faithful, Brothers Forever!

-Richard W. Pettengill, Corporal USMC

And damn proud of it!