History of Our Corps – July 24

Good morning Leathernecks, and on this the 24th day of July in the history of our beloved Corps:

In 1779, an expedition sails from Massachusetts with the goal of destroying the British base under construction in Penobscot Bay, Maine.

          The fleet is composed of Continental ships Warren, the sloop Providence, and the brig Diligence, reinforced with four ships of the Massachusetts and New Hampshire state navies, a dozen privateers, and 20 merchantmen carrying supplies and troops (Continentals and state militiamen).

          Marines from the Massachusetts Navy ship Tyrannicide land on Fox Island in Penobscot Bay to reconnoiter the area.

In 1894, the Baltimore’s Marines land at Chemulpo and march overland to Seoul to protect American lives following the outbreak of war between China and Japan.

In 1944, the 4th Marine Division conducts an amphibious assault on the northwest coast of Tinian, while the 2nd Marine Division makes an amphibious feint in the south.

          The Japanese make a major banzai attack against the beachhead that evening and suffer severe losses.

In 1945, Marine squadrons on board the Vella Gulf fly sorties against Pagan and Rota Islands north of Guam.

In 1946, negotiations result in the release of the seven Marines captured by Communist forces near Peitaiho.

In 1953, on the night of 24-25 July, two Chinese battalions attack Boulder City, a hill on the MLR, while other units strike Outposts Esther and Dagmar elsewhere along the Marine line.

          All assaults are repulsed.

In 1967, during Operation Rolling Thunder, Marine jets strike the Thai Nguyen power plant 30 miles north of Hanoi.

In 1969, elements of HMX-1 accompany President Nixon on his trip to greet the Apollo II astronauts, while the Marine detachment of the Forrestal (CVA-59) provides security for the Mobile Quarantine Facility temporarily housing the Apollo crew.

In 1970, during the period 24 through 27 July, the 5th Marines participated in OPERATION BARREN GREEN, to deny the corn harvest in the Arizona Territory, south and west of Da Nang to the enemy.

          Marine forces kill 18 enemy and destroy 10,000 pounds of grain.

In 1972, the headquarters of 4th MAB is activated at Norfolk, Virginia, to provide a command element for any contingency force sized between a MAU and a MAF.

In 1987, in the Persian Gulf, after an American-flagged oil tanker strikes a sea mine laid by Iran, elements of the 24th MAU are dispatched to the gulf to assist Navy forces in securing the sea lanes for commercial shipping.

Saepius Exertus, Semper Fidelis, Frater Infinitas!

Often Tested, Always Faithful, Brothers Forever!

-Richard W. Pettengill, Corporal USMC

And damn proud of it!