History of Our Corps – August 4

Good morning Leathernecks, and on this the 4th day of August in the history of our beloved Corps:

In 1801, the Marine Band plays at the first inaugural parade in Washington, D.C.

In 1814, Marines assist Lieutenant Colonel George Croghan’s Army force in a landing against the British and Indians holding Fort Mackinac on Lake Huron.

          The Americans are forced to withdraw after significant losses.

In 1846, Marines and sailors from the frigate Congress take possession of Santa Barbara, California.

In 1855, during the Battle of Ty-Ho Bay, British forces assist Powhatan’s Marines and sailors in capturing 17 pirate junks near Hong Kong.

In 1864, Marines serve heavy guns and provide musket fire in support of Farragut’s battle with forts and the Confederate ironclad Tennessee in Mobile Bay, Alabama.

          Eight Marine NCOs were subsequently awarded the Medal of Honor.

In 1898, Huntington’s battalion embarks on the transport Resolute for future landing operations.

In 1915, five companies of the 2nd Regiment arrive in Port-au-Prince from Philadelphia.

In 1917, Secretary Daniels orders creation of the 6th Regiment for eventual service in the AEF.

In 1918, the 2nd Division takes over a quiet sector of the front and remains there until 12 August.

In 1937, the Marine Corps League, in existence since 1923, receives its formal charter from Congress.

In 1943, During the period 4 – 5 August 1943 the light tanks of the 9th, 10th, and 11th Defense Battalions help Army forces defeat the final Japanese positions around Munda Airfield.

In 1944, VMF(N)-534 is the first squadron of MAG-21 to arrive on Guam, followed soon after by VMF-216, 217, and 225.

          The 77th Infantry Division captures Mount Barrigada.

In 1950, the HO3S-1 observation helicopters and light OY planes of VMO-6 begin to support the brigade.

          The helicopters evacuate their first casualties.

In 1956, the court martial of SSgt McKeon is completed at Parris Island.

          He is convicted of negligent homicide and drinking on duty in the incident that took the lives of six recruits.

In 1965, On the 4th and 5th of August 1965 the Marines participated in OPERATION MARBLE MOUNTAIN, a search and destroy operation throughout the I Corps.

In 1987, the amphibious assault ship Wasp (LHD-1) is launched at Pascagoula, Mississippi.

          It and its sister ship will replace the Iwo Jima-class helicopter carriers.

Saepius Exertus, Semper Fidelis, Frater Infinitas!

Often Tested, Always Faithful, Brothers Forever!

-Richard W. Pettengill, Corporal USMC

And damn proud of it!