History of Our Corps – August 14

Good morning Leathernecks, and on this the 14th day of August in the history of our beloved Corps:

In 1812, Marines help to capture the British sloop Alert during the War of 1812.

In 1813, the Argus and her Marines are defeated and captured by the British ship Pelican off the coast of Ireland.

In 1842, the Second Seminole War is terminated officially.

In 1900, the Marines participate in the attacks that capture Peking and relieve the Legation Quarter.

In 1912, Butler’s battalion of 13 officers and 341 enlisted men lands at Corinto, Nicaragua and proceeds by rail to Managua to protect the U.S. legation during a civil war.

In 1943, VMF-123 and 124 begin operating from Munda Airfield.

          They are followed in the coming weeks by VMSB-144, 234, and 244, and VMTB-143 and 232.

          The headquarters of 2nd MAW and MAG-14 also shift to Munda.

In 1944, VMF-914 is organized at Greenville.

In 1945, President Truman announces that a cease fire is in effect with Japan.

          He also appoints General MacArthur as Supreme Commander Allied Powers, with authority to accept the surrender of Japan on behalf of the United States, the Soviet Union, Great Britain, and the Republic of China.

In 1950, the Marine brigade begins a movement by truck, train, and ship to the Naktong Bulge, the NKPA salient on the eastern side of the river, about halfway up the Pusan Perimeter.

In 1953, during the period 14 through 19 August, BLT 2/6, with the Sixth Fleet, assists in rescue and relief operations following an earthquake in the Ionian Isles of Greece.

In 1958, following elections on 31 July that ease tensions, BLT 2/2 goes back on board ships and reconstitutes the landing force of the Sixth Fleet.

In 1963, Recruit Richard W. Pettengill arrives at Parris Island and quickly realizes that he is in a world of hurt.

In 1965, the Navy Department involuntarily extends the enlistments of all Marines and sailors by four months to help meet personnel requirements.

In 1973, Congress decrees the cessation of all funding for military operations in Southeast Asia.

          Marine air operations launched from Nam Phong, Thailand, against Cambodia, come to an end.

          MAG-15 begins to withdraw from Thailand on 25 August.

In 1990, advance elements of the 1st MEF and 7th MEB arrived in Saudi Arabia, joining other U.N. forces against possible Iraqi aggression.

Saepius Exertus, Semper Fidelis, Frater Infinitas!

Often Tested, Always Faithful, Brothers Forever!

-Richard W. Pettengill, Corporal USMC

And damn proud of it!