History of Our Corps – October 7

Good morning Leathernecks, and on this the 7th day of October in the history of our beloved Corps:

In 1810, Marines from the sloop Wasp assist in fighting fires in Charleston, South Carolina.

In 1846, the frigate Savannah’s Marines reinforce sailors and a volunteer outfit under Gillespie.

          The combined force captures San Pedro, California.

In 1892, the cruiser Chicago sends her Marines ashore at LA Guairá, Venezuela, to guard the U.S. Consulate during a revolution.

In 1918, Major General Barnett arrives in France for a month-long tour of Marine units with the AEF.

In 1919, Charlemagne Peralte, the most important Caco leader, sends 300 of his men into Port-au-Prince prior to dawn.

          Marines and Gendarmes defeat and drive off the rebels.

In 1942, on this the 7th through the 9th days of October, on Guadalcanal, the 3rd battle of the Matanikau, 3/2, 2/7, and 1/7 cross the upper Matanikau and attack toward the coast, destroying a Japanese battalion, while 2/5, 3/5, and the 1st Raider Battalion defeat a Japanese company holding the mouth of the river.

In 1945, a stronger Marine force removes roadblocks on the road to Peiping without opposition.

          The 5th Marines reaches the Chinese capital. Transport aircraft of MAG-25 (VMR-152 and 153) begin arriving at Tientsin.

          MAG-31 at Yokosuka, Japan is returned to naval control by Fifth Air Force.

In 1963, the Marine Corps’ Cold Weather Training Center at Bridgeport, California, is renamed the Mountain Warfare Training Center.

In 1970, the Marines turn over the base at Chu Lai to the U.S. Army.

          The Department of the Navy tells a special House Armed Services Military subcommittee that more than 7,000 Marines and sailors will probably be discharged from the service in 1970 for drug violations.

In 1993, following the death of 14 American soldiers in Mogadishu a few days earlier, the United States sends additional forces, to include the 13th and 22nd MEU(SOC)s.

In 2001, U.S. forces begin an air and special operations campaign against Taliban and Al Qaida elements in Afghanistan.

          VMFA-251 and 314, on board carriers Roosevelt (CVN-71) and Stennis (CVN-74), and Harriers of 15th MEU(SOC) participate in the aerial campaign.

Saepius Exertus, Semper Fidelis, Frater Infinitas!

Often Tested, Always Faithful, Brothers Forever!

-Richard W. Pettengill, Corporal USMC

And damn proud of it!