Good morning Leathernecks, and on this the 19th day of December in the history of our beloved Corps: In 1913, Congress limits the term of the Commandant to four years, with provision for a reappointment for an additional four years. In 1944, MAG-12 Corsairs blew up Japanese supply dumps at Palompon, Leyte. In 1945, the last elements of the 5th Marine Division sail from Sasebo for the United States. […]
Author: gyrenes
History of Our Corps – December 18
Good morning Leathernecks, and on this the 18th day of December in the history of our beloved Corps: In 1903, Marines escorted American diplomats to Addis Ababa, Abyssinia. In 1950, the 1st Marine Division is assigned to Eighth Army reserve. In 1957, RLT 3 and HMR(L)-162 deploy from Okinawa toward the waters off Indonesia for possible evacuation of U.S. citizens during continued unrest there. BLT 3 remains offshore until […]
History of Our Corps – December 17
Good morning Leathernecks, and on this the 17th day of December in the history of our beloved Corps: In 1914, Marines from the gunboat Machias (PG-5) escort the Haitian government’s gold stocks from Port-au-Prince onto the ship for transport to New York and safekeeping there. In 1919, the 8th Regiment is reactivated in the States and shipped to Haiti to reinforce the Brigade. In 1941, 17 SB 2U-3s of Marine […]
History of Our Corps – December 16
Good morning Leathernecks, and on this the 16th day of December in the history of our beloved Corps: In 1824, Marines serve aboard Navy Lieutenant Thomas Catesby Jones’s small squadron of gunboats, which battle a larger British fleet of small craft and delay the enemy’s advance on New Orleans. In 1899, Major Littleton W. T. Waller’s Third Marine Battalion, with15 officers and 325 enlisted men, lands at Cavite to reinforce […]
History of Our Corps – November 15
Good morning Leathernecks, and on this the 15th day of November in the history of our beloved Corps: In 1923, a detachment of Marines goes ashore at Tunghan, China, to safeguard American missionaries in the aftermath of factional fighting. In 1934, VO-8M is reactivated by combining the personnel and planes remaining at the deactivation of VS-14M and VS-15M. In 1946, VMSB-235 is reestablished as VMF-235, a Reserve squadron at Squantum, […]
History of Our Corps – November 14
Good morning Leathernecks, and on this the 14th day of November in the history of our beloved Corps: In 1824, following the detention of a Navy officer in Puerto Rico, Commodore David Porter sends Marines ashore. They capture the local fort without a shot, spike the guns, and force an apology from the local officials. In 1846, Perry’s Marines and sailors capture Tampico, Mexico. In 1888, the steam bark […]