Author: gyrenes

History of Our Corps – May 19

Good morning Leathernecks, and on this the 19th day of May in the history of our beloved Corps: In 1910, Marines and sailors from the Paducah go ashore at Bluefields, Nicaragua, to protect American lives and property when revolutionary forces threaten the town. In 1917, Secretary of the Navy Josephus Daniels offers a Marine regiment for service in France.           The Secretary of War accepts the proposal on 23 May. […]

History of Our Corps – May 18

Good morning Leathernecks, and on this the 18th day of May in the history of our beloved Corps: In 1775, at St. John’s on Lake Champlain, Marines from Liberty assist Arnold’s force in capturing another British sloop.           Arnold mans her with more improvised sailors and Marines  and renames her Enterprise.           The crew of the sloop was reinforced with 18 Marines in all.           The first known Marine officer, […]

History of Our Corps – May 17

Good morning Leathernecks, and on this the 17th day of May in the history of our beloved Corps: In 1776, Marines assist the Franklin of Washington’s fleet in capturing the transport Hope, laden with 1,000 carbines and 75 tons of gunpowder. In 1962, the 3rd MEU arrived in Thailand, easing Communist pressure. In 1966, the first Marine-oriented Junior Naval ROTC program is instituted, at Jesuit High School in New Orleans, […]

History of Our Corps – May 16

Good morning Leathernecks, and on this the 16th day of May in the history of our beloved Corps: In 1811, in search of an impressed American seaman, the frigate President and her Marines engage the British sloop Little Belt off the east coast of the United States.           The smaller British ship loses nine killed and 23 wounded in the night action, which further heightens tensions between the two nations. […]

History of Our Corps – May 15

Good morning Leathernecks, and on this the 15th day of May in the history of our beloved Corps: In 1847, the steamer Mississippi’s Marines take part in the landings at, and capture of, Carmen, Mexico. In 1862, a Navy squadron battles the Confederate fort at Drewry’s Bluff on the James River below Richmond, Virginia.           Union Marines on ship return the musket fire of Confederate Marines on shore.           When […]

History of Our Corps – May 14

Good morning Leathernecks, and on this the 14th day of May in the history of our beloved Corps: In 1801, Tripoli declares war on the United States, marking the formal beginning of the Barbary Wars. In 1860, Marines from the Washington Navy Yard participate in the ceremony welcoming the first Japanese embassy personnel to the U.S. capitol. In 1917, the first detachment of Marines, from Annapolis, move to the newly […]