Category: History

History of Our Corps – October 30

Good morning Leathernecks, and on this the 30th and penultimate day of October in the history of our beloved Corps: In 1920, Commandant Lejeune approves a new table of organization for aviation that includes four squadrons (designated 1st through 4th), each composed of two smaller units to be known as flights. In 1943, two companies of the 2nd Parachute Battalion attack and destroy a Japanese barge staging point on the […]

History of Our Corps – October 29

Good morning Leathernecks, and on this the 29th day of October in the history of our beloved Corps: In 1847, Marines help take a Mexican schooner in the Gulf of Mexico. In 1942, during October and November, Major Joe Foss shot down 23 enemy aircraft.           He was later credited with three more and received the Medal of Honor. In 1956, a company of Marines from 2/2 flies to Port […]

History of Our Corps – October 28

Good morning Leathernecks, and on this the 28th day of October in the history of our beloved Corps:           Happy 359th Anniversary to the Royal Marines!! The Corps of Royal Marines (RM) is an amphibious light infantry and also one of the five fighting arms of the Her Majesty’s Naval Service. The marines can trace their origins back to the formation of the English Army’s “Duke of York and Albany’s […]

History of Our Corps – October 27

Good morning Leathernecks, and on this the 27th day of October in the history of our beloved Corps: In 1806, the Secretary of the Navy directs the Commandant to send four officers and 74 enlisted Marines to replace a sickly force and defend against possible Spanish operations. In 1846, Marines from Commodore Stockton’s squadron assist in retaking San Pedro.           The town had been lost to Californians revolting against the […]

History of Our Corps – October 26

Good morning Leathernecks, and on this the 26th day of October in the history of our beloved Corps: In 1898, Marines establish a barracks at the naval station at San Juan, Puerto Rico. In 1917, the 4th Marine Brigade is joined with Army units to form the 2nd Division. In 1931, Colonel Thomas C. Turner, the director of Marine aviation, is severely injured by a turning propeller in Haiti and […]

History of Our Corps – October 25

Good morning Leathernecks, and on this the 25th day of October in the history of our beloved Corps: In 1812, near Africa, the United States defeats the British frigate Macedonian, but entirely by long-range firepower, thus leaving little role for the Marines to play. In 1876, In commemoration of Marine service with the U.S. Army in the Mexican War, the Navy Department authorizes the Corps to adopt the motto “Per […]