And on this the period 3 through 8 January in the history of our beloved Corps: In 1966, during the period 3 through 8 January 1966, the 1st Battalion, 1st Marines (1/1) participated in OPERATION LONG LANCE, a search and destroy operation in the Quang Nam Province. And on this the 4th through the 9th days of January 1967 in the history of our beloved Corps: In 1967, during the period 4 through 9 January
And on this the period 3 through 8 January in the history of our beloved Corps: In 1966, during the period 3 through 8 January 1966, the 1st Battalion, 1st Marines (1/1) participated in OPERATION LONG LANCE, a search and destroy operation in the Quang Nam Province. And on this the 4th through the 9th days of January 1967 in the history of our beloved Corps: In 1967, during the
And on this the period 3 through 8 January in the history of our beloved Corps: In 1966, during the period 3 through 8 January 1966, the 1st Battalion, 1st Marines (1/1) participated in OPERATION LONG LANCE, a search and destroy operation in the Quang Nam Province. And on this the 4th through the 9th days of January 1967 in the history of our beloved Corps: In 1967, during the
And on this the 4th through the 9th days of January 1967 in the history of our beloved Corps: In 1967, during the period 4 through 9 January 1967, the 2nd Battalion, 5th Marines (2/5) participated in OPERATION LINCOLN (I CORPS), a search and destroy operation in the Quang Nam Province. And on this the 5th through the 8th days of January 1967 in the history of our beloved Corps:
And on this the 3rd and 4th days of January in the history of our beloved Corps: In 1966, during the 3rd and 4th of January 1966, the 2nd Battalion, 9th Marines (2/9) and the 3rd Tank Battalion participated in OPERATION WAR BONNET, a search and destroy operation in the Quang Nam Province. And on this the period 3 through 8 January in the history of our beloved Corps: In
And on this the 3rd and 4th days of January in the history of our beloved Corps: In 1966, during the 3rd and 4th of January 1966, the 2nd Battalion, 9th Marines (2/9) and the 3rd Tank Battalion participated in OPERATION WAR BONNET, a search and destroy operation in the Quang Nam Province. And on this the period 3 through 8 January in the history of our beloved Corps: In