History of Our Corps – August 8

Good morning Leathernecks, and on this the 8th day of August in the history of our beloved Corps:

In 1899, Marines of the U.S.S. Yosemite start to form a garrison at Agana, Cuba.

In 1918, by executive order, the President orders voluntary enlistments in the Marine Corps.

          However, the Corps is authorized to reject draftees that fail to meet its standards, while the inductees in turn are allowed to reject assignments to the Marines.

          For all intents and purposes, the Marine Corps remains a volunteer service throughout the war.

          Based on a request from Commandant Barnett, Secretary Daniels authorizes the enlistment of women in the Marine Corps Reserve for clerical duty.

In 1919, the 4th Marine Brigade marches through New York City along with its parent 2nd Division.

          It returns to duty with the Navy Department later that day.

          The 5th Marine Brigade returns to the United States from Europe.

In 1924, the 1st Aviation Group begins supporting the ground elements of the East Coast Expeditionary Force in preparation for the fall maneuvers to be staged at Antietam, Maryland.

          The operation continues through 18 September.

In 1937, the Japanese seize Peiping from Chinese forces, leaving the Marine Legation Guard surrounded in unfriendly territory.

In 1942, the 5th Marine Regiment and Alpha Company, 1st Tanks, crossed the Ilu and Lunga rivers, meeting the first Japanese resistance on Guadalcanal.

          During the night Japanese surface forces attack the Allied naval task force off Guadalcanal, sinking four cruisers and damaging one destroyer.

          This Battle of Savo Island caused the U. S. Navy to withdraw from Tulagi-Guadalcanal.

In 1944, the 77th Infantry Division captures Mount Santa Rosa on Guam.

In 1945, the Soviet Union declares war on Japan.

In 1946, VMTB-233 is reestablished as a Reserve fighter squadron.

In 1970, During the period 8 through 13 August, Marine shooters take 12 of 17 events during the 9th Annual Interservice Rifle Championships held at Quantico.

Saepius Exertus, Semper Fidelis, Frater Infinitas!

Often Tested, Always Faithful, Brothers Forever!

-Richard W. Pettengill, Corporal USMC

And damn proud of it!