And on the 13th of January through the 9th of February in the history of our beloved Corps:
In 1969, during the period 13 January through 9 February 1969, Marines of HMM-362, SLF-A, ARVN 2nd Division, the 2nd Battalion, 26th Marines (2/26), and HMM-164 participated in OPERATION BOLD MARINER, a part of OPERATION GAME WARDEN, a cordon, search, and sweep operation in the Batangan Peninsula, Quang Ngai Province.
This was the largest amphibious assault of the war.
And during the period 21 January through 16 February in the history of our beloved Corps:
In 1968, during the period 21 January through 16 February, 1968, Marines of the 1st Battalion, 1st Marines (1/1) and the 1st Battalion, 3rd Marines (1/3) participated in OPERATION OSCEOLA, a search and destroy operation in the Quang Tri Province.
And on the 22nd of January through the 18th of March in the history of our beloved Corps:
In 1969, during the period 22 January through 18 March, 1969, Marines of the 1st Battalion, 9th Marines (1/9), the 2nd Battalion, 9th Marines (2/9), the 3rd Battalion, 9th Marines (3/9), the 2nd Battalion, 4th Marines (2/4), 3rd Battalion, 4th Marines (3/4), the 1st Battalion, 9th Marines (3/9), and the ARVN 2nd Regiment participated in OPERATION DEWEY CANYON, an offensive against PAVN communication lines in Laos, north of the A Shau Valley in the Thua Thien Province
And on this the 25th of January through the 7th of February in the history of our beloved Corps:
In 1967, during the period 25 January through 7 February, the 1st Battalion, 1st Marines, 2nd Battalion, 1st Marines and the 3rd Battalion, 1st Marines participated in OPERATION LAFAYETTE, a search and destroy operation in the Quang Nam Province.
And during the period 26 January through 29 February in the history of our beloved Corps:
In 1968, during the period 26 January through 29 February, Marines of the 3rd Battalion, 1st Marines and the 1st Amphibian Tractor Battalion participated in OPERATION SALINE, a search and clear operation to keep the Cua River supply line open.
OPERATION SALINE was combined with OPERATION NAPOLEAN on 28 Feb 1968.
And on this the 27th of January through the 7th of April in the history of our beloved Corps:
In 1967, during the period 27 January through 7 April, the 3rd Battalion, 7th Marines participated in OPERATION DESOTO, a search and destroy operation in the Quang Ngai Province.
And on the 27th of January through the 7th of February in the history of our beloved Corps:
In 1969, during the period 27 January through 7 February, Marines of the 1st Battalion, 7th Marines and the 2nd Battalion, 26th Marines participated in OPERATION LINN RIVER a clear and search operation in Quang Nam Province.
During the period 28 January through 17 of February in the history of our beloved Corps:
In 1966, during the period 28 January through 17 February, the 3rd Battalion, 1st Marines, 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marines, 2nd Battalion, 4th Marines, and the 2nd Battalion, 9th Marines participated in OPERATION DOUBLE EAGLE linking in with Operation Masher/White Wing, Operation Lien Ket 22 and Operation Thang Phuong II in the Quang Ngai and Quang Tri Provinces.
And on this the 29th of January through the 1st of February in the history of our beloved Corps:
In 1967, during the period 29 January through 1 February, the 3rd Battalion, 1st Marines participated in OPERATION COUNTY FAIR 1-30, a security operation in the Quang Nam Province.
And on this the 31st of January through the 3rd of February in the history of our beloved Corps:
In 1967, during the period 31 January through 3 February, the 1st Battalion, 5th Marines participated in OPERATION CLAY, a search and destroy operation in the Quang Tri Province.
And on this the 1st through 9th of February in the history of our beloved Corps:
In 1967, during the period 1 February through 9 February, Marines of the 1st Battalion, 1st Marines, 2nd Battalion, 4th Marines, 2nd Battalion 5th Marines and the 1st and 2nd Battalions, 26th Marines participated in OPERATION INDEPENDENCE, a search and destroy operation in the Quang Nam Province.
And on this the 1st of February through 2 March in the history of our beloved Corps:
In 1968, during the period 1 February through 2 March, the 1st Marines and the 5th Marines participated in OPERATION HUE CITY, to drive the PAVN/VC out of Hue during the Tet Offensive.
The Marines focus on the area south of the Perfume River, while the 1st ARVN Division is responsible for the Citadel, the old city north of the river.
HMM-165 provides lift for ARVN forces into the city.
The battle quickly devolves into typical building-to-building fighting.
And on this the 1st of Feb. through 18th of March in the history of our beloved Corps:
In 1967, during the period 1 February through 18 March, Marines of the 1st Battalion, 3rd Marines, 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marines, 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marines, 3rd Battalion, 4th Marines, 1st Battalion, 9th Marines, 3rd Battalion, 9th Marines and the 2nd Battalion,26th Marines participated in OPERATION PRAIRIE II, a search and destroy operation to prevent the PAVN 324B Division from entering the DMZ area, around Con Thien and Gio Linh, in the Quang Tri Province.
Good morning Leathernecks!
I see that when the Continental Marines got their first duty station, it was in a Brig. That figures. After all it was Chesty himself who is quoted as saying “take me to the Brig. I want to see the real Marines”.
I want to see the “REAL MARINES” – Chesty Puller
And on this the 1st day of February in the history of our beloved Corps:
In 1777, the Marines on board the Constellation assist in defeating the French frigate La Vengeance off Guadeloupe.
The French ship escapes in the night, but is run aground to avoid sinking.
In 1823, the Secretary of the Navy orders the establishment of a naval station and a Marine barracks at Key West, Florida, to serve as a base for operations against Caribbean pirates.
In 1868, the Steamer Oneida lands Marines and sailors to protect American lives during a period of hostility to foreigners at Hiogo, Japan.
In 1935, the 2nd Battalion, 10th Marines is organized at San Diego as an artillery outfit.
In 1940, the 4th Defense Battalion is organized at San Diego.
In 1941, the 1st Marine Brigade is redesignated the 1st Marine Division as it sails from Guantanamo Bay to Culebra for exercises.
Simultaneously, the 2nd Marine Brigade in Southern California is redesignated the 2nd Marine Division.
The 2nd Marines is reactivated at San Diego to serve as the 3rd infantry regiment of the 2nd Marine Division.
The 4th Defense Battalion arrives at Guantanamo Bay to garrison that base.
In 1943, MAG-31, 32, 33, and 34, VMF-321, and VMSP-341 are organized at Cherry Point.
In 1944, the 23rd assaults Roi and overruns the entire island by late afternoon.
The 24th Marines attacks Namur and captures about two-thirds of the island by nightfall.
The 7th Infantry Division lands on Kwajalein Island.
The Islets were secured on 2 February 1944.
The 1st Raider Regiment is redesignated as the 4th Marines, resurrecting the regiment that had disappeared when the Japanese overran Corregidor in 1942.
MBDAG-45 is organized at Santa Barbara.
VMJ-953 is formed at Camp Kearney.
In 1945, the Army’s 1st Cavalry Division launches a rapid attack from Lingayen Gulf designed to free internees near Manila.
MAG-14 provides air liaison parties on the ground and continuous sorties overhead during the daytime to cover the flanks and front of the fast-moving ground columns.
The Marine dive bombers help the division reach Manila on 3 February and achieve its mission.
In 1950, MAG-25 is reactivated at El Toro to control VMR-152 and 352.
In 1952, the 3rd MAW and VMF-314 are reactivated at Cherry Point.
In 1957, 29 Palms, located in the desert of southeastern California, becomes a Marine Corps base.
In 1961, President Kennedy revokes the existing order limiting dependents accompanying military personnel overseas.
In the Congo, helicopters of HMR(L)-264 evacuate U.N. troops (Guineans) from Matadi to the Hermitage.
The ship drops them off at Conakry, Guinea, a week later.
In 1962, HMR(L) squadrons begin redesignation to medium helicopter squadrons (HMM), (HMR(M) squadrons become heavy helicopter squadrons (HMH) and fixed-wing transport squadrons become aerial refueler transport squadrons (VMGR).
In 1964, HMM-364 replaces HMM-361 as the Shufly force.
In 1965, Operation Snowfex-65 begins at Fort Drum, New York, and lasts for a month.
It is billed as the largest Marine Corps cold weather training exercise on the east coast since the 1940’s.
Participating units are the 1st Battalion, 8th Marines, VMGR-252, and HMM-265.
MAG-42 is reactivated at Alameda, California, as part of the 4th MAW.
In 1967, During the period 1 through 9 February, Marines of the 1st Battalion, 1st Marines (1/1), 2nd Battalion, 4th Marines (2/4), 2nd Battalion, 5th Marines (2/5), and the 1st and 2nd Battalions, 26th Marines ((1/26 & 2/26) participated in OPERATION INDEPENDENCE, a search and destroy operation in the Quang Nam Province.
During the period 1 February through 18 March, Marines of the 1st Battalion, 3rd Marines (1/3), 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marines (2/3), 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marines (3/3), 3rd Battalion, 4th Marines (3/4), 1st Battalion, 9th Marines (1/9), 3rd Battalion, 9th Marines (3/9), and the 2nd Battalion, 26th Marines (2/26) participated OPERATION PRAIRIE II, a search and destroy operation to prevent the PAVN 324B Division from entering the DMZ area around Con Thien and Gio Linh, in the Quang Tri Province.
In 1968, during the period 1 February through 2 March, the 1st Marines and the 5th Marines participated OPERATION HUE CITY, to drive the PAVN/VC out of Hue during the Tet Offensive.
The Marines focus on the area south of the Perfume River, while the 1st ARVN Division is responsible for the Citadel, the old city north of the river.
HMM-165 provides lift for ARVN forces into the city.
The battle quickly devolves into typical building-to-building fighting.
In 1969, the 5th LAAM Battalion is deactivated at Yuma following the return of the 2nd LAAM Battalion from Vietnam.
In 1970, HQMC announces it is expanding its early-out program because of troop cutbacks in Vietnam.
Only Vietnam veterans can apply for this program, which can release them from active duty as much as 14 months prior to original separation dates.
In 1973, the last four enlisted naval aviation pilots (NAPs) on active duty retire from the Marine Corps, bringing to an end a program that stretched back to 1923.
The Defense Department announces a tightening of military disability standards to “cut substantially” the number of officers leaving the services with disabilities.
In 1975, the Marine Corps raises enlistment standards by placing greater emphasis on the general-technical score of the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery.
Sergeant Major Eleanor L. Judge reports to Headquarters Squadron of MCAS Cherry Point, becoming the first woman to be assigned to the top enlisted slot of a predominantly male unit.
In 2002, during OPERATION ENDURING FREEDOM, elements of the 3rd Marines deploy to Zamboanga on the island of Mindanao in the Philippines to support the Joint Special Operations Task Force providing assistance to Philippine forces fighting terrorists in that region.
Although I could not find a specific date, this is what happened during the month of February in the history of our beloved Corps:
In 1932, a regimental headquarters and an infantry battalion participate in the joint Army-Navy Exercise on Oahu in Hawaii.
In 1948, early in the month, Marine transport planes evacuate U.S. and British nationals from Changchun in Manchuria, just before if falls to Communist forces.
In 1983, the Kevlar helmet, shaped like the German WWII helmet, begins replacing the M1 steel helmet used by American forces since early in WWII.
In 1991, Marine air, artillery, and observer teams assist Saudi and Qatari troops in retaking Al Khafji.
In 1992, the Marine Corps begins deactivating its six permanent MEB headquarters.

Saepius Exertus, Semper Fidelis, Frater Infinitas!
Often Tested, Always Faithful, Brothers Forever!
-Richard W. Pettengill, Corporal USMC
And damn proud of it!