And during the period 21 January through 16 February in the history of our beloved Corps:
In 1968, during the period 21 January through 16 February, 1968, Marines of the 1st Battalion, 1st Marines (1/1) and the 1st Battalion, 3rd Marines (1/3) participated in OPERATION OSCEOLA, a search and destroy operation in the Quang Tri Province.
And on the 22nd of January through the 18th of March in the history of our beloved Corps:
In 1969, during the period 22 January through 18 March, 1969, Marines of the 1st Battalion, 9th Marines (1/9), the 2nd Battalion, 9th Marines (2/9), the 3rd Battalion, 9th Marines (3/9), the 2nd Battalion, 4th Marines (2/4), 3rd Battalion, 4th Marines (3/4), the 1st Battalion, 9th Marines (3/9), and the ARVN 2nd Regiment participated in OPERATION DEWEY CANYON, an offensive against PAVN communication lines in Laos, north of the A Shau Valley in the Thua Thien Province
And during the period 26 January through 29 February in the history of our beloved Corps:
In 1968, during the period 26 January through 29 February, Marines of the 3rd Battalion, 1st Marines and the 1st Amphibian Tractor Battalion participated in OPERATION SALINE, a search and clear operation to keep the Cua River supply line open.
OPERATION SALINE was combined with OPERATION NAPOLEAN on 28 Feb 1968.
And on this the 27th of January through the 7th of April in the history of our beloved Corps:
In 1967, during the period 27 January through 7 April, the 3rd Battalion, 7th Marines participated in OPERATION DESOTO, a search and destroy operation in the Quang Ngai Province.
During the period 28 January through 17 of February in the history of our beloved Corps:
In 1966, during the period 28 January through 17 February, the 3rd Battalion, 1st Marines, 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marines, 2nd Battalion, 4th Marines, and the 2nd Battalion, 9th Marines participated in OPERATION DOUBLE EAGLE linking in with Operation Masher/White Wing, Operation Lien Ket 22 and Operation Thang Phuong II in the Quang Ngai and Quang Tri Provinces.
And on this the 1st of February through 2 March in the history of our beloved Corps:
In 1968, during the period 1 February through 2 March, the 1st Marines and the 5th Marines participated in OPERATION HUE CITY, to drive the PAVN/VC out of Hue during the Tet Offensive.
The Marines focus on the area south of the Perfume River, while the 1st ARVN Division is responsible for the Citadel, the old city north of the river.
HMM-165 provides lift for ARVN forces into the city.
The battle quickly devolves into typical building-to-building fighting.
And on this the 1st of Feb. through 18th of March in the history of our beloved Corps:
In 1967, during the period 1 February through 18 March, Marines of the 1st Battalion, 3rd Marines, 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marines, 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marines, 3rd Battalion, 4th Marines, 1st Battalion, 9th Marines, 3rd Battalion, 9th Marines and the 2nd Battalion,26th Marines participated in OPERATION PRAIRIE II, a search and destroy operation to prevent the PAVN 324B Division from entering the DMZ area, around Con Thien and Gio Linh, in the Quang Tri Province.
And during the period 3 February through the 10 March in the history of our beloved Corps:
In 1971, during the period 3 February through 10 March, Marines of the III MAF, the ROK’s 2nd Marine Brigade and the ARVN’s 51st Regiment participated in OPERATION HOANG DIEU 103, a counter-offensive in the Quang Nam Province.
And on this the 7th through 16th of February in the history of our beloved Corps:
In 1966, during the period 7 February through 16 February, Marines of the 3rd Reconnaissance Battalion participated in OPERATION TAUT BOW, a reconnaissance in force operation in “Happy Valley”, Quang Nam Province.
Good morning Leathernecks, and on this the 12th day of February in the history of our beloved Corps:
In 1809, Abraham Lincoln’s birthday.
In 1825, the Grampus sends Marines and sailors ashore to fight a fire in St. Thomas, Virgin Islands.
In 1874, to assist in preserving order during the inauguration of a new King, Marines from the Portsmouth and Tuscarora go ashore at Honolulu, Hawaii.
In 1883, Marines from screw sloops Lackawanna and Wachusett land at Honolulu, Hawaii to take part in the inauguration ceremonies for King Kalakaua.
In 1918, Marines landed at Scapa Flow, Great Britain during World War I.
In 1944, a Japanese air raid strikes an ammunition dump on Roi.
The resulting explosions kill 26, wound 130, and destroy large quantities of supplies.
In 1951, the 1st Marine Division receives orders to begin moving to Chunggiu in preparation for an attack (part of Operation Killer) to regain the ground lost along the central front.
Marine losses during the Pohang guerilla hunt total 36 dead and missing and 148 wounded.
In 1953, HMR-161 suffers its first casualties when an HRS-1 crashes into the sea with its two crewmen near Pusan.
In 1955, Following French relinquishment of command over Vietnamese armed forces, U.S. MAAG takes over the training of the army in South Vietnam.
In 1959, the Marine Corps Training Camp at Vieques, Puerto Rico, is named for PFC Fernando Luis Garcia, a Puerto Rican-born Marine Medal of Honor recipient.
In 1965, in the largest Marine exercise since WWII, 25,000 Marines and 20,000 sailors conduct OPERATION SILVER LANCE at Camp Pendleton.
It lasts through 9 March.
In 1971, the 1st MAU takes station off the coast of North Vietnam, 50 miles east of Vinh.
It remains there until 6 March to divert North Vietnamese troops during Lam Son 719.
In 1973, the first 116 prisoners of war released by North Vietnam arrive at Clark Air Force Base in the Philippines.
This group includes four of the 26 Marines held in captivity by Communist forces.
In 2003, the 15th MEU(SOC) (2/1 and HMM-161) goes ashore in Kuwait to reinforce the I MEF.

Saepius Exertus, Semper Fidelis, Frater Infinitas!
Often Tested, Always Faithful, Brothers Forever!
-Richard W. Pettengill, Corporal USMC
And damn proud of it!