And on this the 7th through the 27th days of January in the history of our beloved Corps:
In 1972, elements of the 2nd Marine Division and 2nd MAW joined naval forces of the Atlantic Fleet in cold weather landing operations at Reid State Park on the coast of Maine in Exercise Snowy Beach.
And on this the 11th day of January through the 29th day of March in the history of our beloved Corps:
In 1971, during the period 11 January through 29 March 1971, Marines of the 1st Reconnaissance Battalion, the 1st Battalion, 1st Marines (1/1) and the 1st Battalion, 11th Marines (1/11) participated in OPERATION UPSHUR STREAM, a search and destroy operation in the Quang Nam Province.
And on the 13th of January through the 9th of February in the history of our beloved Corps:
In 1969, during the period 13 January through 9 February 1969, Marines of HMM-362, SLF-A, ARVN 2nd Division, the 2nd Battalion, 26th Marines (2/26), and HMM-164 participated in OPERATION BOLD MARINER, a part of OPERATION GAME WARDEN, a cordon, search, and sweep operation in the Batangan Peninsula, Quang Ngai Province.
This was the largest amphibious assault of the war.
And on the 15th of January through the 20th of January in the history of our beloved Corps:
In 1969, during the period 15 through 20 January 1969, the 198th Infantry Brigade, the 3rd Battalion, 26th Marines (3/26) and ARVN units participated in OPERATION RUSSEL BEACH, a joint operation to remove Vietnamese refugees from the area before pushing forward to root out VC troops and fortifications in the Batangan Peninsula, Quang Tin Province.
And on these the 19th through the 23rd days of January 1970 in the history of our beloved Corps:
In 1970, the Okinawa Military Employees Labor Union’s five-day strike is held without a major confrontation.
It does not seriously affect the continuation of essential Marine Corps activities.
And on this the 19th day of January in the history of our beloved Corps:
In 1928, four companies of Marines and Guardias close in on and seize El Chipote, but the Sandanistas escape the net.
Good morning Leathernecks, and on this the 19th day of January in the history of our beloved Corps:
In 1840, a Marine detachment with the Wilkes Expedition reached Antarctica.
In 1868, a Marine guard is posted at the residence of the American minister to Japan in Yokohama during a period of civil strife.
In 1928, four companies of Marines and Guardias close in on and seize El Chipote, but the Sandanistas escape the net.
In 1929, Brigadier General Smedley Butler’s 3rd Marine Brigade was disbanded at Tientsin, China.
In 1935, FMF Marines (air and ground) participate in Fleet Landing Exercise 1 at Culebra and Vieques Islands in the Caribbean. This is the first of several annual FLEXs designed to train forces in the new amphibious doctrine. FLEX 1 continues through 13 March.
In 1953, the 1st Provisional Air-Ground Task Force is activated at Kaneohe Bay on the island of Oahu in Hawaii.
In 1968, a platoon patrolling Hill 881 North, at Khe Sanh, has to withdraw in the face of strong enemy opposition.
This marks the beginning of the siege of the remote combat base.
In 1970, the 2nd Reconnaissance Battalion conducts OPERATION SNOWFER in Camp Drum, New York, for environmental and cold weather training.
The Okinawa Military Employees Labor Union’s five-day strike is held without a major confrontation.
It does not seriously affect the continuation of essential Marine Corps activities.
In 1971, While in night defense positions south of Hoi An, G Company 2/5 drives off a ground attack, killing 12 of the enemy.
In 1973, a Marine battalion from Camp Lejeune arrives at Naval Air Station Anacostia to provide assistance with riot control if needed during the upcoming presidential inaugural.
In 2002, U.S. Army forces begin relieving Marine elements at Kandahar Airfield.
The 26th MEU(SOC) is back on-board ships by 8 February.
A CH-53E crashes, killing two Marines and injuring five.

Saepius Exertus, Semper Fidelis, Frater Infinitas!
Often Tested, Always Faithful, Brothers Forever!
-Richard W. Pettengill, Corporal USMC
And damn proud of it!