Good morning Leathernecks, and on this the 2nd day of January in the history of our beloved Corps:
In 1777, Major Samuel Nicholas and his battalion participate in Washington’s defense of Trenton against Lord Cornwallis’ British army.
The Marines help hold the important Assunpink Bridge against a Hessian attack.
In 1821, President Monroe appoints Brevet Major Archibald Henderson to be the Lieutenant Colonel Commandant. He is the fifth Commandant of the Marine Corps.
In 1804, the tradition of the Marine Band serenading the Commandant was established.
In 1832, Marines and sailors from the sloop Lexington go ashore in the Falklands to rescue three American commercial ships detained by the Argentinians in a dispute over ownership of the islands.
In 1839, Marines land from the frigate Columbia and the sloop John Adams to seize forts and burn a town in Sumatra in retribution for harassment of American commercial shipping.
In 1847, Captain Ward Marston and the Marines of the sloop Dale defeat a force of Californians at Santa Clara.
In 1858, the Marine detachment of the frigate St. Lawrence lands alongside a British force to protect foreign lives and property during civil disorder in Montevideo.
The Americans remain there until 27 January.
In 1924, the 5th Marines and elements of the East Coast Expeditionary Force embark at Quantico on the transport Henderson to serve with the U.S. Fleet during winter maneuvers in the Caribbean..
In 1933, the last Marines of the 2nd Brigade depart Corinto, Nicaragua.
Marine deaths as a result of enemy action during the course of the six-year intervention totaled 47.
VO-7M returns to Quantico.
In 1944, Lieutenant General (later General) Alexander Vandegrift made Commandant of Marine Corps.
The 7th Marines and 3/5 attack across Suicide Creek to enlarge the beachhead perimeter at Cape Gloucester and also to stave off an enemy night attack against Target Hill.
The 2nd Parachute Battalion sails from Vella Lavella to Guadalcanal to rejoin the 1st Parachute Regiment.
MAG-32 departs Cherry Point for Hawaii.
The U.S. Army made a surprise landing at Saidor and began a drive up the New Guinea coast.
In 1945, MAG-14, VMF-212, 222, and 223, and VMO-251 begin deploying from the Solomons to an airfield on the island of Samar.
The movement of aerial echelons is complete by 24 January.
In 1951, Congress passes a supplemental defense appropriation bill adding $20 billion to the DOD’s budget of $14 billion for fiscal year 1951.
In 1952, In an early move, Commandant Shepherd orders a partial adoption of a general staff system (G-1, 2, 3, 4) at HQMC in place of the old Division of Plans and Policies, but other divisions such as Aviation and Personnel remained.
In 1960, Marine Corps Air Facility Futema is placed into commission on Okinawa.

Saepius Exertus, Semper Fidelis, Frater Infinitas!
Often Tested, Always Faithful, Brothers Forever!
-Richard W. Pettengill, Corporal USMC
And damn proud of it!