History of Our Corps – July 15

Good morning Leathernecks, and on this the 15th day of July in the history of our beloved Corps:

In 1862, Marine gun crews participate in the fleet’s battle with the Confederate ram Arkansas and in a second duel with the Vicksburg forts.

In 1900, at Peking, Private Dan Daly distinguishes himself in holding a secondary barricade against a strong Chinese attack.

In 1927, the forces of Sandino, launch a night attack on the Marine and Guardia barracks in Ocotal, Nicaragua.

          In the morning, two DH-4s of VO-7M strafe the Sandanistas.

          By noon, five aircraft of the squadron return and conduct dive-bombing and strafing attacks on the enemy.

          This is often credited as being the first dive-bombing attack in combat.

          One Marine is killed on the ground, and four Marines and Guardias are wounded.

          Sandanista losses are estimated at up to 300.

In 1942, elements of the 4th Defense Battalion arrive at Espiritu Santo, New Hebrides to help protect an air base there.

In 1944, VMF-913 is commissioned at Greenville, North Carolina.

          VMSB-941 is organized at Bogue Field.

In 1945, IIIAC is detached from the 10th Army and comes under control of FMFPAC.

          The corps headquarters begins displacing to Guam.

          VMTB-463 is organized at Santa Barbara.

In 1946, the 1st MAW reports aircraft availability at 20 percent due to a lack of trained maintenance personnel.

          The last ship repatriating Japanese nationals from China sails from Tangku.

          Over two million troops and civilians had moved back to Japan, more than a quarter of them from north China.

In 1950, FMFPAC warns the 1st Marine Division to prepare for expansion to full strength.

          The Marine Corps provides two transport squadrons to support airlift operations to Korea.

In 1951, the U.S. 2nd Division begins relieving the 1st Marine Division in the front lines and the Marines go into reserve for X Corps.

In 1958, during OPERATION “BLUE BAT”, BLT 2/2 lands at Khalde Beach, just south of Beirut.

          The rifle companies set up a perimeter just inland at the city’s international airport.

          BLT 2/8 begins an air movement toward Lebanon.

In 1967, more than 50 122mm rockets hit the airbase at Da Nang early in the morning, killing eight, wounding 175, and destroying or damaging 42 aircraft.

In 1970, during the period 15 July through 24 August, the 1st Battalion, 7th Marines (1/7 and the 2nd Battalion, 7th Marines (2/7), participated in OPERATION PICKENS FOREST, a clear and search operation near the Song Thu Bon Valley, in the Quang Nam Province.

           nearly 15,000 South Vietnamese troops begin a major sweep of NVA base camps west of Da Nang.

          Marine helicopters land the assault troops and their U.S. advisors.

In 1971, MAG-50 is deactivated in southern California.

In 1972, VMFA-333, embarked on the America (CVA-66), begins flying combat missions when the carrier arrives off Vietnam.

Saepius Exertus, Semper Fidelis, Frater Infinitas!

Often Tested, Always Faithful, Brothers Forever!

-Richard W. Pettengill, Corporal USMC

And damn proud of it!