History of Our Corps – July 21

Good morning Leathernecks, and on this the 21st day of July in the history of our beloved Corps:

In 1940, the Two Ocean Navy Act authorizes a vast expansion in the size of the fleet and naval aviation.

          Under this plan, Marine aviation will increase to 1,500 aircraft.

In 1942, the 23rd Marines, an infantry regiment, is established at New River.

In 1943, the 1st Raider Regiment, supported by the Army’s 3rd Battalion, 148th Infantry, attacks enemy forces holding Bairoko Harbor.

          After fierce fighting against strong Japanese defenses, the Americans pull back with heavy losses.

          The withdrawal is covered by 250 AirSols sorties, one of the largest air operations of the Central Solomons campaign.

          Marine land-based aircraft sink a Japanese destroyer and damage a cruiser south of Choiseul Island in the northern Solomons.

In 1944, VMB-463 is commissioned at Cherry Point.

In 1948, President Truman issues a proclamation calling on all U.S. males between the ages of 18 and 25 to register for the draft between 30 August and 18 September.

          The first inductions will take place on 1 October.

In 1950, an organized Marine Corps Reserve is mobilized for duty in Korea.

In 1953, Major Thomas M. Sellers, flying on an exchange tour with the Air Force, brings down two MIG-15s before he himself is shot down and killed.

In 1956, the Navy commissions its first assault helicopter carrier, Thetis Bay (CHVA-1), converted from an existing escort carrier.

          It can accommodate 20 HRS helicopters. (in 1959, it will be reclassified as LPH-6).

In 1966, The Seventh Air Force initiates OPERATION TALLY HO, a series of air strikes against targets in southern North Vietnam.

          The 1st MAW provides numerous sorties to this campaign.

In 1967, During the period 21 through 30 July, the 1st Battalion, 3rd Marines (1/3) participated in OPERATION BEACON GUIDE, a search and destroy operation 29 Km south of Hue.

In 1969, during the period 21 July through 25 September, the 3rd Marine Division participated in OPERATION IDAHO CANYON, a clear and search operation in the north-central Quang Tri Province.

          a confrontation on Camp Lejeune between racial groups results in the death of one Marine.

In 1971, The Cleveland Plain Dealer reports that the Marine Corps has the highest desertion rate of all the services. (59.6 men per 1000).

          Personally, I would hope they all got caught, were castrated and given “Six, Six, and a Kick”. Once anyone raises their hand, takes the step, and swears to the Oath of Allegiance, “Duty, Honor, and Country” become yours to preserve and protect. I had and still have no problem standing up for draft dodgers while I was in “Nam. Nor do I have a problem with those that take a knee to demonstrate today. I believe that in some way, form, or manner my service in the Corps was to afford all people the right to protest (peacefully) and practice their religion in this country we call the United State of America.

The use of Marine and deserter to describe a person makes me want to see them punished with death, burn them and scatter their ashes so that no memory of them will ever exist.

Did I say have a nice day?

In 1992, three Marines and four civilians are killed when a V-22 crashes near Quantico. Test flights are suspended while the accident is investigated.

Saepius Exertus, Semper Fidelis, Frater Infinitas!

Often Tested, Always Faithful, Brothers Forever!

-Richard W. Pettengill, Corporal USMC

And damn proud of it!