Good morning Leathernecks, and on this the 17th day of November in the history of our beloved Corps:
In 1775, Marines from the Hancock (Washington’s fleet) make an unopposed landing at Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island.
In 1847, a Marine and Navy landing force of 65 men from the Dale drives 300 Mexican soldiers out of Guaymas.
In 1854, the sloop Vincennes sends Marines and seamen ashore on Okinawa to enforce treaty provisions.
In 1859, the melody used in “The Marines’ Hymn” premiered in Offenbach’s operetta.
In 1902, Marines withdraw from Panama after Colombian troops restore order in the troubled province.
In 1915, Leatherneck Magazine was established.
In 1918, the 2nd Division begins its march toward Germany and reaches the border on 23 November.
In 1943, a Japanese air attack on a convoy results in the sinking of destroyer transport McKean (APD-5) and the loss of personnel from the 21st Marines.
In 1945, VMSB-245 is deactivated at San Diego.
In 1948, Secretary Forrestal announces that an additional 1,250 men from Guam will be sent to Tsingtao to reinforce the 3,000 men of FMFWESPAC.
A platoon of Marines from Tsingtao deploys the same day for Nanking to protect the U.S. Embassy as the city appears ready to fall to Communist forces.
The platoon will remain there until 21 April 1949.
American military family members in China are ordered out of the country and FMFWESPAC begins shipping out extra supply stocks.
In 1964, during the period 17 November through 23 November, HMM-365 off the Princeton and HMM-162 assist flood victims in central South Vietnam.
In 1965, on 17 and 18 November, after the Viet Cong overrun the garrison of the town of Hiep Duc in the Que Son Valley, 30 UH-34 helicopters of MAG-16 and MAG-36 lift two Vietnamese Army (ARVN) battalions to the scene, while attack aircraft provide support.
Seventeen of the helicopters are hit by ground fire and one Marine is killed.
In 1967, during the period 17 November through 21 November Marines of the 1st Battalion, 4th Marines, the 3rd Battalion, 12th Marines and the 2nd and 3d Battalions, 26th Marines participated in OPERATION COVE, a security operation in the Bien Hoa Province.
In 1977, BLT ¼ arrives in California from Okinawa as part of the new unit deployment program (UPD), which rotates units from the States to the Far East for six-month deployments to maintain unit cohesion, enhance combat readiness, and share out the hardship of unaccompanied tours.

Saepius Exertus, Semper Fidelis, Frater Infinitas!
Often Tested, Always Faithful, Brothers Forever!
-Richard W. Pettengill, Corporal USMC
And damn proud of it!