Good morning Leathernecks, and on this the 17th day of October in the history of our beloved Corps:
In 1814, Marines and sailors land on Grande Terre Island, Louisiana, to punish pirates.
In 1820, Lieutenant Colonel Archibald Henderson became the 5th Commandant of the Marine Corps.
In 1858, a force of 300 Marines participates in a large demonstration of naval power in Paraguayan water after troops fire upon an American ship doing survey work.
In 1871, Brooklyn Marines seize illegal distilleries.
In 1917, the first Marine Aviation Squadron transfers to Long Island, New York, and specializes in land planes.
In 1918, Charlemagne Peralte launches an attack against Marine-led Gendarmerie force at Hinche, Haiti, and is driven off.
This marks the opening of the Caco Revolt.
In 1944, the Army’s 6th Ranger Battalion seizes islands in Leyte Gulf in preparation for the Leyte campaign.
Four Marine aviation officers, including Major General Ralph Mitchell, accompany the force as observers.
In 1945, VMF(N)-533 and 541 of MAG-24 begin operating from an airfield at Peiping.
In 1949, the 2nd Marine Division sheds the J-series T/O.
- The 4th and 9th Marines (J-series battalions) are deactivated at Camp Lejeune to fill out the 2nd Marines to full regimental strength.
- The 6th Marines is reactivated as a skeleton regiment.
- Commandant Cates testifies before Congress that the Marine Corps is being reduced to irrelevance despite the intent of the National Security Act of 1947.
- He argues that without a Marine voice in the JCS, the budget and manpower of the Corps are being drastically curtailed.
- Under current limitations, the Corps will have only 67,000 men by June 1950 and will be able to field only six infantry battalions.
- The Navy is also dictating all the training time of its amphibious ships in the coming year to Army exercises and attempting to relegate the Commandant to the equivalent of one of the Navy bureau chiefs subordinates to the CNO.
In 1966, to meet its needs in Viet Nam, the Marine Corps defers the resignation and retirement requests of 500 pilots and aviation maintenance officers.
In 1973, Arab nations institute an oil embargo against countries supporting Israel as it battles Egypt and Syria following their surprise attack on 6 October.
The United States bears the brunt of the embargo as it rushes arms to Israel.

Saepius Exertus, Semper Fidelis, Frater Infinitas!
Often Tested, Always Faithful, Brothers Forever!
-Richard W. Pettengill, Corporal USMC
And damn proud of it!