History of Our Corps – September 10

Good morning Leathernecks, and on this the 10th day of September in the history of our beloved Corps:

In 1777, the frigate Delaware and her Marines are driven onto a shoal in the Delaware River as they fight with British batteries guarding the approaches to Philadelphia (now occupied by the British). The ship is captured, but many of the Marines are able to escape.

In 1778, the British ships Experiment and Unicorn engage the Raleigh off the Penobscot River, Maine, and force her aground. Some of the Marines and sailors escape to shore, but most are captured.

In 1779, Marines aboard an armed schooner assist in defeating and taking possession of the British sloop West Florida on Lake Pontchartrain near New Orleans.

In 1813, Marines participate in Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry’s complete victory over the British fleet on Lake Erie, thus gaining permanent control of the western Great Lakes.

In 1940, Marine Observation Squadron 1 (VMO-1) is activated in Quantico.

In 1945, over the course of the next two weeks, the Marine Corps decommissions MASG-51, VMD-154, VMSB-142, 243, 341, and 484, and VMF-112, 123, 221, 451, 462, 471, 481, 521, and 522.

In 1946, Following the failure to pass unification legislation in the previous session, President Truman orders the Secretaries of War and Navy to negotiate a compromise bill that can be submitted to Congress.

In 1950, 1st Marine Division elements in Japan sail out of port toward Korea for the Inchon landing.

In 1952, Captain Jesse G. Folmar of VMA-312 (flying off the Sicily) becomes the first American pilot of a propeller plane (an F4U-B) to shoot down a MIG jet, after eight of them attack him and his wingman.

          He is shot down in the melee, but is rescued at sea.

          During an instrument-guided landing in foggy weather at K-2 airfield, six F9F4s of VMF-115 crash into a mountain.

In 1953, MAG-11 arrives at Atsugi. Its three squadrons, VMF-222, 224, and 314, are all equipped with F9F Panther jets.

          1/2 (reinforced) departs Morehead City to serve as the landing force of the Sixth Fleet. It will return on 4 February 1954.

In 1958, a Marine company in surface craft and an Army airborne company in Marine and Army helicopters conduct a joint amphibious exercise 20 miles north of Beirut.

In 1958, the title of Marine Gunner is eliminated, although those currently holding it are allowed to retain it.

In 1968, the 27th Marines begins departing Vietnam for Camp Pendleton. It is the first Marine unit to leave the war on a nonrotational basis.

In 1970, during the period 10 through 19 September, 1st Marine Division participated in OPERATION BALLARD VALLEY and OPERATION DUBOIS SQUARE, search and destroy operations near Da Nang in the Quang Nam Province.

          The Marine Corps Tactical Systems Support Activity is activated at Camp Pendleton.

          The unit will test, evaluate, and provide programming support for all tactical systems and related equipment within the Marine Corps.

In 1973, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United States conduct RimPac-73, a combined naval exercise in the Hawaiian Islands.

Saepius Exertus, Semper Fidelis, Frater Infinitas!

Often Tested, Always Faithful, Brothers Forever!

-Richard W. Pettengill, Corporal USMC

And damn proud of it!