History of Our Corps – September 11

Good morning Leathernecks, and on this the 11th day of September in the history of our beloved Corps:

In 1814, The Battle of Plattsburgh, also known as the Battle of Lake Champlain, ended the final invasion of the northern states of the United States during the War of 1812. A British army under Lieutenant General Sir George Prévost and a naval squadron under Captain George Downie converged on the lakeside town of Plattsburgh, which was defended by New York and Vermont militia and detachments of regular troops of the United States Army, all under the command of Brigadier General Alexander Macomb, and ships commanded by Master Commandant Thomas Macdonough.

In 1853, at the request of a Siamese captain, Marines from the steamer Mississippi board his commercial ship in the Canton River near Hong Kong and put down a mutiny.

In 1911, the Marine Corps moves the year-old Advance Base School from New London, Connecticut, to the Philadelphia Navy Yard.

In 1943, VMF(N)-531 arrives in Banika and begins flying night intercept missions.

In 1946, the regimental echelons of the 6th Marines are redesignated as the headquarters and weapons companies of the 3rd Marine Brigade at Camp Pendleton.

In 1950, 3/6 is redesignated as 3/7 to finish out the 7th Marines.

In 1951, the division opens a new assault to take the next ridgeline to the north. After getting bogged down part way up the forward slope.

           the 7th Marines sends 2/7 in a night move between the two assault battalions to infiltrate the enemy rear.

          The left half of the position falls to the Marines the next day, but at a cost of 250 casualties.

          The enemy has used the lull of the truce talks to build strong defenses.

          The Communists also now bring to bear almost as much mortar and artillery fire as American forces.

In 1970, elements of the Sixth Fleet move into the eastern Mediterranean for possible evacuation of airline passengers in planes hijacked by Palestinian guerrillas and flown to Jordan.

In 1972, a VMFA-333 F-4 Phantom from the carrier America engages two mig-21s, destroying one and damaging the other.

          It was the first MIG kill during the Vietnam War by an all Marine Corps team (Major Lee Lasseter and Captain John Cummings), and only the third overall.

          during the period 11 through 30 September, for the first time Reserve Marines participate in a NATO training exercise, “Strong Express” in Norway.

          This also marks the first overseas deployment of the new LVTP-7 amphibian assault vehicle.

 In 2001, the World Trade Towers, the Pentagon, and a field in Pennsylvania were hit by terrorists that had hijacked 4 passenger planes fully loaded with fuel. This was the first attack on CONUS since the war of 1812 and thus began the war on terrorism that continues today.

In 2023, I shall be serving as part of an Honor Guard at a Memorial service in Hampton, NH today. The Seacoast Detachment 394 of the Marine Corps League will form a Firing Detail and issue a 21-gun salute to all who have lost their lives, not only on 9/11/2001 but in service to our great country in the war on terrorism. They will not be forgotten, nor will they have died in vain.

Saepius Exertus, Semper Fidelis, Frater Infinitas!

Often Tested, Always Faithful, Brothers Forever!

-Richard W. Pettengill, Corporal USMC

And damn proud of it!