History of Our Corps – September 16

Good morning Leathernecks, and on this the 16th day of September in the history of our beloved Corps:

In 1814, Marines and soldiers form the landing party that wipes out the pirate stronghold on Grand Terre Island at the mouth of the Mississippi River.

In 1816, Brevet Major Archibald Henderson takes over as acting Commandant.

In 1906, a battalion of 400 Marines sails from Norfolk to reinforce U.S. naval power off Cuba.

In 1915, the United States and Haiti sign a treaty which provides for creation of a constabulary force under Marine supervision. This is the genesis of the Gendarmerie d’Haiti.

In 1924, the last elements of the 2nd Marine Brigade depart Santo Domingo by sea, and the American occupation of that country comes to an end.

In 1940, the Congress and President Roosevelt approve the Selective Service and Training Act, the first peacetime draft in the history of the United States. It authorizes the induction of 900,000 men into the Army for one year and the activation of the 270,000 men of the National Guard.

In 1942, the 3rd Marine Division is activated at Camp Elliott in California. It is initially composed of the 9th Marines, 21st Marines, 23rd Marines, 12th Marines (artillery), and 19th Marines (an engineer regiment).

          The 3rd Parachute Battalion is organized in southern California.

In 1943, Major Gregory Boyington of VMF-214 shoots down five Zeroes near southern Bougainville.

          The light tank platoons of the 9th, 10th, and 11th Defense Battalions land on Arundel Island in the Central Solomons to reinforce Army units.

          The Marine tanks continue in operation until the island is secured five days later.

In 1942, the 7th Marines completes its turning movement to the right on Peleliu and isolates the southern promontory.

          The 5th Marines in the center drives straight across the island, seizing the airfield and reaching the opposite shore.

          The 1st Marines wheels left into a widening zone and begins the assault toward the rugged coral ridges that constitute the heart of the Japanese defenses.

In 1950, the EighthArmy launches an offensive from the Pusan Perimeter, with a view to crushing the NKPA between there an X Corps positions around Inchon and Seoul.

In 1951, the 5th Marines passes through the division lines and keeps up the pressure, taking Hill 812 the next day.

In 1955, during the period 16 through 30 September, BLT ¾ and HMR-161 conduct a field exercise in Hawaii to train counter-guerilla, mountain, and night attack operations.

In 1968, Communist forces hit the command group of 2/26 with two mortar barrages, killing 22 and wounding 146.

In 1972, South Vietnamese Marines recapture Quang Tri City, which had been occupied by the NVA for 138 days.           DOD reports that Navy and Marine aviators recorded their lowest accident rate in history in 1971.

Saepius Exertus, Semper Fidelis, Frater Infinitas!

Often Tested, Always Faithful, Brothers Forever!

-Richard W. Pettengill, Corporal USMC

And damn proud of it!