History of Our Corps – September 18

Good morning Leathernecks, and on this the 18th day of September in the history of our beloved Corps:

In 1906, another battalion sails from Philadelphia for service in Cuba. The Marines on board the Dixie land at Cienfuegos to reinforce the ships detachment there.

In 1927, on the 18th and 19th of September Sandino’s forces attack the Marine and Guardia garrison at Telpaneca at night, but are driven off.

In 1942, the 7th Marines land on Guadalcanal and return to the 1st Marine Division.

          The same ships depart with the depleted 1st Parachute Battalion.

In 1944, the 7th Marines completes the seizure of the southern promontory of the island.

In 1950, the 5th Marines completes the seizure of Kimpo Airfield.

          VMF-235 is brought onto permanent active duty from the reserves.

In 1967, monsoon rains and resulting floods kill 10 Marines and make it difficult to supply bases near the DMZ.

In 1969, USMACV decides that the Marine slice of the pending troop withdrawal will consist primarily of the 3rd Marine Division.

          Personnel transfers within III MAF would shift Marines with time left on their tour in country from this division to other units remaining behind.

In 1970, during the period 18 through 21 September, the 11th Marines begins OPERATION CATAWBA FALLS with 76 helicopters lifting 14 artillery pieces and 4.2-inch mortars and 10,000 shells onto a remote mountain top and turning it overnight into Fire Support Base Dagger.

          Four days of bombardment and bombing sorties are intended to deceive the enemy into preparing for a ground assault, while Marine ground forces redeploy unmolested near Da Nang.

Saepius Exertus, Semper Fidelis, Frater Infinitas!

Often Tested, Always Faithful, Brothers Forever!

-Richard W. Pettengill, Corporal USMC

And damn proud of it!