History of Our Corps – September 25

Good morning Leathernecks, and on this the 25th day of September in the history of our beloved Corps:

In 1862, Marines reoccupy the Pensacola Navy Yard.

In 1918, the 2nd Division is transferred to the French Fourth Army.

In 1942, Elements of VMF-121 arrive on Guadalcanal.

          The 13th Defense Battalion is organized at Guantanamo Bay.

In 1943, elements of I MAC establish a forward staging area on the island of Vella Lavella.

In 1944, the 5th Marines is committed to exploiting the lack of significant enemy resistance on the west coast of Peleliu.

While the 321st RCT drives across the island north of the coral ridges to isolate the Japanese strongpoint, the 5th Marines continues north with the objective of seizing the less-rugged ground at that end of the island.

          VMF-114 flies into the Peleliu airfield.

In 1950, the 1st and 5th Marines launch a coordinated attack to take the capital.

          That night, X Corps orders the Marines to pursue enemy “Fleeing” Seoul.

          The 1st Marine Division’s cautious urban night attack runs into a determined NKPA counterattack and annihilates it.

In 1966, MAG-13 begins arriving from Japan.

In 1967, in one of the heaviest Communist barrages of the war, more than 1,000 artillery rounds strike the base at Con Thien.

          Although 202 Marines are wounded, only two are killed.

In 1965, on this, the 25th and the 26th days of September during OPERATION DAGGER THRUST, the Seventh Fleet SLF uses helicopters and amphibious craft to launch a raid against suspected Viet Cong locations on the coast south of Qui Nhon.

          This is the first in a series of SLF amphibious raids.

In 1968, during the period 25 September through 14 October, the 3rd Battalion, 26th Marines (3/26) participated in OPERATION OWEN MESA.

          The primary mission of the Battalion was to provide security for the National Route 1 from the southern boundary of Thua Thien Province, north to Phu Loc Village to seek out and destroy harbor sites and base camps from which the enemy could launch attacks on Route 1 and harass the local populace.

In 1971, on this, the 25th through the 29th days of September the 1st MAW aircraft provide disaster relief in the southern Ryukyus after the islands were hit by Typhoon Bess.

In 1973, Marine Lieutenant Colonel Jack R. Lousma pilots the record-breaking Skylab II mission, which had begun on 28 July and ends on this date setting a mark with 59 days in space.

Saepius Exertus, Semper Fidelis, Frater Infinitas!

Often Tested, Always Faithful, Brothers Forever!

-Richard W. Pettengill, Corporal USMC

And damn proud of it!